Agency Partners Program

We partner with agencies to provide digital solutions.We help traditional PR & marketing firms extend their capabilities. Many agencies lack the in-house capacity or capability to develop effective digital and content marketing programs. Franeo works with these firms to provide their clients with sound strategy, compelling content, and innovative technology. We know how to work…


CHIP GRIFFINFounder Chip Griffin has a long history of developing successful digital and content marketing programs. He became one of the first individuals to serve as a Chief Digital Officer of any major public relations firm. A pioneer in digital communications since the mid-1990’s when he was named CEO of at the age of…


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Nonprofit Organization President

“Praesent euismod risus ac erat suscipit consectetur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse scelerisque metus quis lectus sodales molestie et et diam. Etiam sed aliquam mauris. Proin non ex justo. Vestibulum ac massa in ex blandit iaculis.”

IT Group Senior Advisor

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Law Firm Executive Director

“Your team did an excellent job risus egestas, at volutpat metus dignissim. Aliquam aliquam auctor lorem, quis dictum leo sodales non. Mauris ornare mi est, ut sodales nunc suscipit at.”

Sportswear Company Marketing Director